The vision of The EFCC is ‘exalting Christ in growing healthy churches.’

A significant part of this involves enabling churches to call pastors. Approximately one third of our churches do not currently have a pastor. There is a real need for men to be trained for ministry and to pastor churches.

If you believe that the Lord is calling you to ministry we would love to talk to you and get to know you. We can help you explore a possible call in partnership with your home church.  There are many different situations in EFCC churches, some are established churches looking for a new pastor, and some are very small churches that need to be replanted.

There is a growing list of ‘adverts’ from churches seeking pastors on this website, have a look and get in touch either with the  church directly or with our  Candidates’ Secretary or the Ministry Director.

The  standards for the personal holiness of the  pastor set out in Scripture are very high, if you believe that you meet them and are exploring a call to the ministry, we’d love to talk to you.