The Cheshunt Foundation

The Cheshunt Foundation sponsors and finances sabbatical terms for ministers and lay people in ministry and teaching from: The Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches. While priority is normally given to those engaged in active ministry in the EFCC, the Governors will give consideration to applicants from the wider Christian community who wish to pursue serious study to help them in their work. Write to:

The Congregational Fund Board

The Congregational Fund Board make grants to help Ministers facing sudden and exceptional expenditure Students for Ministry (incl. Non-stipendiary) in financial difficulties. The board also makes gifts to aged or infirm ministers usually upon the recommendation of the Denomination. Gifts and bequests welcomed Details from the Clerk:

The Coward Trust

Please visit the web site – grants may be possible for Ministerial and other support.

The Lady Hewley Trust

Financial assistance for Ministers The trustees meet twice a year in June and November to consider grant applications in instances of need and hardship. Grant application forms are available from the EFCC office.

Robinson's Retreat and Relief Charities

Brief outline of the trust and those whom it can help below. lf anyone needs help they (or someone on their behalf) get in touch with Howard Brown and he can send them a form. This requires details of their ministry etc as well as details of their financial circumstances. Although the majority of the applications are considered in June, they accept applications at any time of year, as and when the need arises.

Congregational & General Charitable Trust

Previously part of the Congregational and General Insurance Company, the Trust became independent of the Company in 2016. To reflect our new status we have launched a new website: We are an independent grant-making charity.

Our aim is to support churches, particularly those of the United Reformed and Congregational denominations, in the provision and repair of suitable buildings. Please encourage churches who are engaged in building work to apply to the Trust for help.

Full details are on the website Grant applications are now considered on a quarterly basis and full details of how to apply are on our website.