1662 and the Foundations of Non-Conformity
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- Peter J Beale This is Peter's 1987 Westminster Conference paper.
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Calling a Minister
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- from EFCC Publications Guidance notes for Churches and prospective ministers.
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Children of the Covenant
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- Rev. John Legg The biblical basis for infant baptism.
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Christian Fellowship (The Church Member’s Guide)
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- John Angell James Published by Quinta Press James was the minister of Carr's Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham. He wrote this book to encourage his members and fellow believers to act towards each other in a biblical manner. Issues dealt with are relations of members to their pastors, to each others and to members of other churches. This edition has been…
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Evangelical & Congregational
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- A brief survey of Congregational history, church order confessions of faith, the ministry, worship and sacraments includes SAVOY DECLARATION OF FAITH AND ORDER and the 1833 DECLARATION.
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Manual of Congregational Principles
- £13.00
- R.W. Dale Published by Quinta Press Dale was the minister of Carr's Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham (co-pastor and then successor to John Angell James), and wrote this Manual in 1884. It has become the clearest statement of Congregational principles of church government. Congregationalists should read this book to discover why their churches are organised as they are and members of…
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Serving as a Deacon
- £1.95
- Rev. John Legg "Diaconates might find it useful to supply each member with a copy of this work". Evangelicals Now. A new revised edition is now available.
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